Donald Trump’s NFTs, presented in the format of collectible baseball cards, jumped in value after the former US president and likely 2024 election candidate interviewed host Tucker Carlson.

A few hours after the sensational interview, the Trump Digital Trading Cards collection, which consists of 45,000 cards and runs on the Polygon blockchain, rose in price to about 0.13 ETH (about $215). That’s a significant jump from last week’s price of 0.1 ETH ($150).

OpenSea’s analytics data shows that sales volume for the collection, which originally launched last December at $99 apiece, has now surpassed 17.5 ETH ($29,000).

The NFT cards feature the politician and billionaire in various heroic poses and attire, including as an astronaut, a soldier, George Washington, Elvis Presley and a motorcyclist holding a guitar. The original print run sold out in 24 hours.

Those lucky enough to grab an NFT card also got a chance to win dinner with Trump at his private Mar-a-Lago residence, play a round of golf together, or even have an online conversation at Zoom (NASDAQ:ZM).

Last month, it was revealed that CIC Digital LLP, the company owned by Donald Trump and licensing the use of his image to NFT, had less than $1,000 in its US bank account.

The firm also has an Ethereum wallet that held somewhere between $250,000 and $500,000.

By Linda

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